Our Vision
To be the Leading engineering and construction company provide high technique and quality turn key construction projects with various integrated activities.
Our Mission
We are committed to continuously form long term relationships of value and respect with our customers. Provide reliable and flexible high service and quality according to customer needs unparalleled and compete international companies with lowest cost.
I am one of the founders of Five Builders. Actually I’m one of the lucky few, who had the opportunity to turn his lifelong interest into profession. From childhood my interest in weapons, tanks, military vehicles and all other military-related equipment developed, tactics, strategies, Management and planning. At some point this interest transitioned from destructive hobby to constructive profession.Because i found that Building is more challenging than destruction, and i was lucky to transfer the knowledge of the very advanced weapons technologies and war strategies, planning and management to constructive Building, and the most preferred for me, is team building, where you build not only cement and steel, you build a hall life.